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Travel Insurance Reviews TripAssure

TripAssure (formerly MH Ross) designed its first custom travel insurance program in 1961, beginning a long and prosperous relationship with travelers. Their team of experienced specialists and technical experts in the travel insurance industry work together to provide you with prompt and professional service, anticipating your needs and solving your problems before they occur.

Learn more about TripAssure.

Customers who have visited Mexico and tour rated TripAssure
4.33 out of 5
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Filed claim
The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Bridge
Price was reasonable, had no problems, no claims!
Nicholas W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Bridge
Thankfully did not need the plan, so I can only say the ease of purchase was nice. Cannot comment on anything else.
Matthew N. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Complete
Didn't need the service, so can't speak to the claims process.
Donald M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
My policy covered a 40 year old woman and her 13 year old daughter. The principal consideration was medical coverage for a scuba diving vacation in Mexico. Since there were no claims, the review is neutral. The policy was probably a bit cheaper than some policies. I don't understand how three stars on the question, "How satisfied were you with this plan? " cold be interpreted as "somewhat dissatisfied" unless they were fishing for a higher rating.
Kathryn S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
.I particularly like dealing with the Insure My Trip website and its policy scanning tool. I also made a few calls to them to get clarification on some items. Among policies that seemed to satisfy my coverage criteria, I picked TripAssure for the price.

I (the purchaser) am not "somewhat dissatisfied" with this policy, as implied with my three star ratings. Frankly, it may be a great policy, or it may be crap. We had no claims, so there is no way to test that it is any good. The true test is whether or not they pay claims fully, promptly and with no runarounds.

I spent a lot of time on my policy search because the policy was for a scuba diving vacation for my adult children and granddaughter. My emphasis was on medical and repatriation coverage, with due consideration give to loss of equipment in the event of theft or baggage loss. Although I bought transportation and lodging from Delta Vacations, I did not use a "trip provider" for the important part of our vacation--the diving. If you are using a travel agent or other type of trip arranger/provider like an ocean or land cruise/tour, then I suggest that you carefully consider provisions that supposedly protect you against trip cancellation or delays.
Kathryn S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
I particularly like dealing with the Insure My Trip website and its policy scanning tool. I also made a few calls to them to get clarification on some items. Among policies that seemed to satisfy my coverage criteria, I picked TripAssure for the price. Frankly, it may be a great policy, or it may be crap because the true test is whether or not they pay claims fully, promptly and with no runarounds.

I spent a lot of time on my policy search because the policy was for a scuba diving vacation for my adult children and granddaughter. My emphasis was on medical and repatriation coverage, with due consideration give to loss of equipment in the event of theft or baggage loss. Although I bought transportation and lodging from Delta Vacations, I did not use a "trip provider" for the important part of our vacation--the diving. If you are using a travel agent or other type of trip arranger/provider like an ocean or land cruise/tour, then I suggest that you carefully consider provisions that supposedly protect you against trip cancellation or delays.
Robert S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
Great value and peace of mind for a trip outside the US.
Harvey Q. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset Plus
Purchased this plan because we were traveling with an agency that we had never used previously. Also, the resort we were planning to stay at wasn't open yet, and as a precaution we purchased travel insurance. As it turned out, everything with the trip, the resort and the agency worked out fine, but unfortunately, my husband got involved in a project at work and as a result we couldn't travel. Luckily, we had the travel insurance and our claim was handled promptly and was very easy to submit. The $252 we spent on the plan saved us thousands in non-refundable trip costs.
Ana Maria W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 2 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
This policy was less than half the price of what the travel agent offered. I decided to change my policy and called a customer care representative, and cancelled one and bought another. I trusted that I would be refunded but was not guaranteed. I was promptly refunded for the policy I cancelled. They were very nice. I added my Goddaughter onto my policy, who traveled with me. Because she is so young, instead of it costing more to add an additional person, it dropped the price. This is an excellent company to work with, with excellent service and followup. I was given contact information for numerous situations should I have needed to use the insurance.
Jeanette C. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
didnt need to use it so I have no opinions really on its effectiveness
philip s. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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