It looks like you are getting insurance for only one day of travel, is this correct?
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VISITING MULTIPLE COUNTRIES? Choose the country where you will be spending the most time or the first country you are visiting outside the U.S. If you are taking a cruise, select the first port of arrival as your destination.
The Departure Date is the date you leave your home. For example, if you are leaving your home one day before your cruise ship departs, select the day you leave your home, not the day the cruise ship departs.
The Return Date is the date that you return to your home. For Multi-Trip Medical plans, enter the return date of your first trip.
For traveler's ages, enter the ages as of today for each person you are looking to insure. Please only enter one age in each box. You do need to enter at least one age, but any extra fields can be left blank. If you're traveling with children under the age of 1, please enter "0".
Select your home state, territory or province. If you do not see your residence, then select "Neither U.S. nor Canada." If any traveler in your group resides in a different state/province/country, that person will need to purchase a separate plan. Due to insurance laws varying by state, you cannot list residents of multiple states on the same policy.
InsureMyTrip has launched a brand new site for residents of Canada!
Please visit to start a quote and find the right coverage for your unique travel plans.
Please enter the country of which you are a citizen. If you are a citizen of more than one country, just select the citizenship for the passport you will be traveling with.
The cost of your trip is used to calculate the amount of your Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage. Trip Cost is used also to determine the price for each plan. Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage reimburses you should your trip be cancelled or interrupted for a covered reason. Be sure to insure the full amount of your prepaid and non-refundable travel arrangements; you can have trouble with claims if you don't. Non-prepaid and refundable items are not covered.
The Initial Trip Payment Date is the very first time any money was paid towards your trip as a whole. Please keep in mind that you must have made some payment towards your trip in order to have Trip Cancellation coverage included in a Comprehensive policy.
The MEDEX SafeTrip Multi-Trip offers the same benefits as the Safetrip Single-Trip plan does, with the addition that you can buy coverage for multiple trips during the year.
To learn more, see the MEDEX SafeTrip Multi-Trip product page.