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Travel Insurance Reviews Nationwide Luxury Cruise

The Nationwide Luxury Cruise plan is designed for travelers that will be going on longer, more expensive cruises. Coverages include Trip Cancellation & Interruption, Optional Cancel for Any Reason (if eligible), Medical, Emergency Medical Evacuation, in most states an Itinerary Change Inconvenience benefit and other cruise specific benefits.

To learn more, see the Nationwide Luxury Cruise product page.

Customers rated the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company Luxury Cruise plan
4.57 out of 5
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Filed claim
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
We purchased the Luxury Policy through Nationwide for our retirement trip of a lifetime. We were to be gone 2.5 months. It included a 21 day cruise and then island hopping around French Polynesia, then flying to Australia to go to the Great Barrier Reef. Our cruise began in Sydney Australia on 2/28/20, we were supposed to disembark in Tahiti on 3/20/20. Due to COVID-19, our cruise was interrupted and we were sent home from Hawaii. We had 4 flights included in the covered cost of our policy: the flight to Sydney, island hopping flights around French Polynesia, the flight from Tahiti to Cairns, the flight from Cairns back to our home in California. We were fortunate and obtained refunds on two of the flights we did not utilize (thank you Air Tahiti and Expedia). The third, the flight from Tahiti to Cairns was not refunded and was denied by coverage by Nationwide. They said they do not cover pre-purchased flights that you are not able to utilize after a trip interruption. They would only be covered in the event of a trip cancellation. The total we are out is $1,246. I have to say, I'm not impressed! When you insure the value of a trip, including all of the costs that are non-cancellable and non-refundable, the coverage should reimburse for the insured costs that a traveler is out of pocket. They refuse to do so. I also acknowledge that some policies do not cover the expenses due to a pandemic, that is not the case with our policy because we purchased it in October, 2019, long before we had heard of COVID-19. Buyer, be careful to determine what is covered and what is not. I have purchased 5 or 6 Nationwide Luxury Cruise policies in the past and not had any issues. This is a first, but after paying $814 in premium to cover a 2.5 month trip and coming home after 1 month, and finding out that they will not reimburse me for this flight, I'm very disappointed in the Nationwide Luxury Cruise policy coverage.
Robin B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
6 of 8 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback on the policy. We are sorry that you had to interrupt your trip of a lifetime.

    We appreciate you using InsureMyTrip for your travel insurance needs. As a travel insurance comparison website, InsureMyTrip offers dozens of plans from different providers. In the future, please consider calling us prior to purchasing a plan so that we can assist you in selecting the most cost effective policy that covers as many of your primary concerns as possible. Our toll free telephone number is 800-487-4722. We look forward to assisting you in the future.
    Sep 08,2020
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
It was very comforting knowing we had a solid, dependable insurance provider during our recent cruise. With all of the health concerns world-wide right now, we were so glad we purchased our policy well in advace of our trip!
Julie E. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
We LOVE Nationwide's cruise insurance plans. On this trip, we had a medical claim and an itinerary change claim for a missed port. Both were handled promptly and paid in full.
Anna M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
4 of 6 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Arnold G. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
We bought the luxary cruise plan and before our trip they changed our itinerary . When we got back we filed a claim for the $1250 back per person and we were sent a 2 checks within 13 days of filling the claim. Would highly recommend!
Crystal C. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
5 of 6 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Good comprehensive plan. Would have preferred to have primary medical as an option.
Scott W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 3 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Didn't need to file a claim but feel I was covered incase I needed to.
darrell b. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
You know, I keep buying the Nationwide Luxury Cruise pkg and have yet to file a claim. I really can't say how they respond to a claim. I will continue to cruise and continue to insure my trips anyway because it is the most comprehensive and balanced coverage.
Francis S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Since I didn’t have any problems on my cruise, I have no comments to share about the claims process. I felt secure that I was covered for any problems that I might have on my trip. I would not hesitate to purchase insurance through Insure My Trip again.
Karen S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Bought the most expensive plan with the most coverage for a cruise I was taking. A port was canceled and a friend who also had a Nationwide policy said her plan had coverage for that and she’d be reimbursed $500. Her plan cost half what mine did and my plan didn’t cover that!!! Couldn’t be more disappointed. I’ll be sure to check the cheaper plans next time. Dont assume the “best” is the best. I called Nationwide and the rep couldn’t explain it and left me completely dissatisfied and thoroughly annoyed.
Alison B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 3 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Carol
    We are sorry to hear that you were disappointed in your Nationwide Luxury Cruise policy which did not include "Port of Call Change - Prior to Departure - 500 USD".

    However, it is important to understand that travel insurance is state specific so coverage may vary considerably from state to state to comply with their insurance statutes. Since you reside in the State of New York, that coverage was not available to you. This information would have been evident when quoting and purchasing your policy since we include a summary of available coverage along with a copy of the Certificate of Insurance with every plan.

    In the future, if you are looking for guidance in selecting a travel insurance plan, please consider contacting our office at 800-487-4722 where a licensed representative would be happy to assist you.
    Nov 19,2019
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