The Advantage Asset plan from TripAssure offers Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption coverage as well as a broad range of other coverages to help protect you while you are traveling. Post-departure coverages such as Baggage, Travel Delay, Medical, and Emergency Medical Evacuation can help to reimburse you for covered incidences that may occur while you are traveling.
To learn more, see the TripAssure Advantage Asset product page.
Travel Delay, which required a minimum of a 6 hour delay, under your TripAssure policy would have only reimbursed you for those additional expenses due to defined Hazards as listed in your policy:
a) any delay of a Common Carrier (including Inclement Weather);
b) any delay by a traffic accident en route to a departure, in which You or Your Traveling Companion is directly
or not directly involved;
c) any delay due to lost or stolen passports, travel documents or money, quarantine, hijacking, unannounced strike, Natural Disaster, civil commotion or riot;
d) severe storms that cause a route closing validated by the National Weather Service records and local Department of Transportation Records.
Since your additional expense was not a result of a defined Hazard, TripAssure declined your claim.
In the future, you may wish to discuss the various options available to you prior to purchase, so we encourage your to customer care at (800) 487-4722 for assistance.