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Travel Insurance Reviews Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite

The Worldwide Trip Protector Lite plan is the most budget-friendly plan offered by Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International. This comprehensive travel insurance plan includes the most basic coverage of their three plans.

To learn more, see the Crum & Forster - Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite product page.

Customers rated the C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite plan
4.57 out of 5
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Filed claim
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Unfortunately, we had to cancel our trip to Greece due to an injury to one of the other couple we were going with. We filed out claim with C&F and received the full amount of our trip. We will use C&F again and would definitely recommend C&F to family and friends.
Dean D. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Did not need to use it. So, hard to review. Thank you.
Sharon M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
I did not have any problems on this trip. So I did not have any interaction with C+F travel insurance after the initial purchase.
Maryjane S. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Glad we did not need to process a claim, but grateful for the peace of mind to have the protection if needed for a very expensive trip. Appreciated the customer service that enabled me to customize our insurance plan.
John G. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
The only problem was that it took way too long for my claim to be processed and to receive payment.
Gary B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
  • Mike
    Thank you for your feedback on the policy. We are sorry that you were dissatisfied with your claim experience. We are pleased that you ultimately received reimbursement of your loss. We do want you and your fellow customers to be aware that InsureMyTrip offers a Customer Advocate Program. Customer Advocates are representatives assigned to assist customers who experience issues after filing a claim. Requesting a Customer Advocate is as simple as calling 800-487-4722 or emailing [email protected], explaining the events which resulted in a claim, and the challenges you are facing.
    Nov 04,2019
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
I was satisfied but I never had to make a claim
Andree M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Great plan for the money. We buy this plan every time we cruise, 8-10 times a year; we've been very happy and when we've made a claim, it was quick and painless.
Sondra G. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Empty Comment
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
Too expensive. Need to lower prices
Roger M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Michelle A
    Thank you for your review. The premiums are based on the age of the travelers, the length of the trip and the cost of the trip. Premiums tend to be between 4-10% of the total trip cost insured. Unfortunately, as travelers get older, it does cause the insurance premiums to increase. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
    Nov 06,2019
The trip included a
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
basis for claim was within coverage time. Solution fell outside the original time frame. The adjustor and I had different interpretations about the flexibility of the policy. She won, I did not push.
Barnabas K. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
  • Carol
    Thank you for your feedback. However, it is true that not only must the claim have occurred during the policy term, the additional expense must also be incurred during that coverage term. A good example is a traveler waiting until returning home before seeking medical treatment for an injury that occurred during the trip. There would be no reimbursement under a travel insurance policy for medical expenses incurred once you returned home.

    InsureMyTrip is open 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and our customer care representatives are licensed insurance agents who are able to recommend the most cost effective plans which will cover the travelers primary concerns. If you would like to receive assistance in obtaining a quote or purchasing a policy, please call us at 800-487-4722 as we would be happy to assist you.
    Nov 05,2019
    • BarnabasK
      Sorry for the delayed response. This is what I thought: I had a normal policy. Coverage for cancellation, for covered causes, began at time of purchase. The original trip included a visit of my daughter. Her newly scheduled operation, just a few days before the starting date of my travel, required that I depart earlier than scheduled and return later (the total trip duration was 30 days).

      By the time United Airlines adjusted my schedule I had to purchase the outgoing flight and use my already invested miles for the return flight.

      In the pre-departure hurry I did not call you; I thought the event was covered and notification after arrival to Toronto would not affect our relations. The changes and costs were all before the original termination date of the policy; I had no claim for thet period.

      I think the problem is that travel insurance policies/adjustors do not consider when the the cause of a claim is within the coverage period, but the resulting costs are incurred outside the orginal travel dates. I don't know how normal coverage can deal with situation; a little extra good will might have helped.

      I had no time to think this through and took your agen's word. Under calmer conditions I probably would have engaged in a more substantive debate.

      This is how I see it now. The technicality of "late reporting" could have been overlooked and the claim handled with a more open mind. What if I'd had the presence of mind to call you before I made the flight changes? It would have not altered any of the relevant facts.

      That's it. What do you think?
      Nov 14,2019
  • Carol
    I'm very sorry for the delay in replying to your question. Travel insurance policies are very specific and determine payment based on the plans terms and conditions.
    Dec 13,2019
    • BarnabasK
      That's OK. I'm late, too. In any case, this was a closed case with the insurance company, inasmuch as I elected not to pursue the matter. Since the situation is not likely (I hope) to happen again, I won't pursue it as an academic matter. You are right, even the best-looking policy needs to be scrutinized before finalk acceptance. What happened is simply not something antoicipated by the creators of the text, the agents could not lean towards the "benefit the customer" direction. Soo . . Have a nice holiday season.
      Dec 15,2019
C&F Travel Insured International Worldwide Trip Protector Lite
We were not able to get our money back on the air as they siad what was going on in barcelona was not terrorism. The airport was closed ,53 people were injured and there were problems all over the city. American Air finally refunded my money. The insurance was useless. We cancelled our trip.
Diane P. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Carol
    Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, civil unrest does not meet the definition of Terrorism in your policy.

    “Terrorist Incident”
    means an act of violence, that is deemed terrorism by the United States Government other than civil disorder or riot (that is not an act of war, declared or undeclared) that results in loss of life or major damage to property, by any person acting alone or in association with other persons on behalf of or in connection with any organization which is generally recognized as having the intent to overthrow or influence the control of any other government."
    Nov 05,2019
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