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Travel Insurance Reviews Nationwide

In business since 1926, Nationwide focuses on providing the best possible service for its customers. Nationwide travel insurance plans offer a range of innovative benefits for a variety of travel needs.

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Customers rated Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company
4.61 out of 5
ratings and reviews
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Filed claim
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Universal Cruise
I have purchased this plan two years in a row for cruises and have not made a claim. Because of Covid my cruise was cancelled this year 190 days in advance and I reached out to and they facilitated a refund which I was not expecting to happen. Thanks to Nationwide and for great customer service during these unprecedented times.
Henry W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 3 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
Claim: 59572

My plan was purchased in 10/27/2019, months before COVID. This company looks hard to find an excuse to not honor trip cancellation, despite claims of "standard in the industry" or that they "regret" not fulfilling their moral obligations to honor the contract. It is my strong opinion that they have small print used to deny payments for legitimate claims, that this company does not deserve your trust or business. Nationwide certainly will never have my business.

The natural disaster is COVID. Travel to Europe from the U.S. is not allowed, as the entire U.S. is being quarantined from the EU. The hotel accommodations in Italy are not habitable by any U.S. citizen.

Additionally, I am a hospital worker potentially exposed to COVID patients daily. I must quarantine 14 days before allowing myself come in close contact to unsuspecting travelers, because it is morally correct. It is not possible to actually travel.

I do not think that I would be allowed to stay at my hotel if I were possibly contagious, if I were allowed to travel to Europe! Regardless,

I was reimbursed for most of my travel (airfare) by the airlines, so I was not even expecting to be reimbursed for the entire amount of my coverage, only a portion of the coverage for which I paid. Unlike other reputable businesses, this company does not warrant your business, in my opinion.
Marc S. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
5 of 7 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback.

    Nationwide Mutual Insurance is making exceptions for cancellations resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, to allow you to transfer your policy to a new trip or cancel the policy as long as you meet certain requirements.

    Please reach out to us at InsureMyTrip 800-487-4722, so we may further assist you in this process.
    Oct 20,2020
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
We booked a trip to London on at the end of January for travel in mid-June. We purchased this policy on January 31, when covid-19 had yet to be named or determined to be a pandemic . Due to the UK's continued shutdown through the spring and the UK's 14 day mandatory quarantine policy, Delta cancelled our flight in late May. We filed a claim with Delta, who fully refunded our air travel. We filed a claim with Nationwide to recover our non-fundable deposit on the London flat that we made in January. The claim was denied since covid-19 was not a named peril in the policy (well it was January 2020 with less than a handful of cases in the US) and the policy supposedly did not cover cancellation by the airline. If we couldn't fly to London, how were we going to get there!? We had a Travelex travel insurance policy 10 years ago that completely reimbursed us for a cruise that we were unable to get to because Delta cancelled our flight due to a massive east coast Christmas snow storm. I don't believe a snow storm was a peril listed in the policy. I will never buy another Nationwide travel insurance policy and would not recommend to others. They are definitely NOT on you side.
Jefferey L. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
7 of 8 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback.

    We are sorry your claim did not go as you had hoped. In the future, please consider calling us prior to purchase at 800-487-4722 so that our licensed representatives can review plan benefits and exclusions with you.
    Sep 29,2020
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
Due to the pandemic we did not travel. All parties involved were cooperative and issued a refund.
Franklin M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
3 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
Agents suggest you take out the policy several months in advance. Cruise and flight cancelled, but rebooked at a cheaper cost. Insure my trip Nationwide refused any refund saying I only had 10 days to cancel or change Poilicy. Cruise line and air carrier gave refunds for price difference, not Nationwide! They took advantage of the situation! Will NEVER use Insure my Trip Nationwide again!
Debra G. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback.

    We are sorry to learn that your trip was postponed. Fortunately, Nationwide Mutual Insurance was able to transfer your policy to the new travel dates at no additional cost. You are correct in that most comprehensive travel insurance policies have a review period, typically 10-15 days from the date you purchase the plan, depending on the state you live in. The Nationwide Essential plan in your state of residence has a 10 day review period in which insureds are able to cancel the policy or make any changes that would result in a premium refund. There are no refunds outside of the review period. For information about how travel insurance can accommodate a rescheduled or cancelled trip, please call us at 800-487-4722.
    Oct 06,2020
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
They state on their website they are refunding for canceled trips without claims due to Covid. It is been 10 weeks and I have not received anything except excuses. I will not purchase from them again.
Jocelyn S. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback.

    I am happy to see that Nationwide did refund your premium. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic and current climate of traveling this request did take much longer than usual.

    We hope you will reach out to us at InsureMyTrip for future travel insurance needs.
    Sep 21,2020
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Luxury Cruise
We purchased the Luxury Policy through Nationwide for our retirement trip of a lifetime. We were to be gone 2.5 months. It included a 21 day cruise and then island hopping around French Polynesia, then flying to Australia to go to the Great Barrier Reef. Our cruise began in Sydney Australia on 2/28/20, we were supposed to disembark in Tahiti on 3/20/20. Due to COVID-19, our cruise was interrupted and we were sent home from Hawaii. We had 4 flights included in the covered cost of our policy: the flight to Sydney, island hopping flights around French Polynesia, the flight from Tahiti to Cairns, the flight from Cairns back to our home in California. We were fortunate and obtained refunds on two of the flights we did not utilize (thank you Air Tahiti and Expedia). The third, the flight from Tahiti to Cairns was not refunded and was denied by coverage by Nationwide. They said they do not cover pre-purchased flights that you are not able to utilize after a trip interruption. They would only be covered in the event of a trip cancellation. The total we are out is $1,246. I have to say, I'm not impressed! When you insure the value of a trip, including all of the costs that are non-cancellable and non-refundable, the coverage should reimburse for the insured costs that a traveler is out of pocket. They refuse to do so. I also acknowledge that some policies do not cover the expenses due to a pandemic, that is not the case with our policy because we purchased it in October, 2019, long before we had heard of COVID-19. Buyer, be careful to determine what is covered and what is not. I have purchased 5 or 6 Nationwide Luxury Cruise policies in the past and not had any issues. This is a first, but after paying $814 in premium to cover a 2.5 month trip and coming home after 1 month, and finding out that they will not reimburse me for this flight, I'm very disappointed in the Nationwide Luxury Cruise policy coverage.
Robin B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
6 of 8 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
  • Megan
    Thank you for your feedback on the policy. We are sorry that you had to interrupt your trip of a lifetime.

    We appreciate you using InsureMyTrip for your travel insurance needs. As a travel insurance comparison website, InsureMyTrip offers dozens of plans from different providers. In the future, please consider calling us prior to purchasing a plan so that we can assist you in selecting the most cost effective policy that covers as many of your primary concerns as possible. Our toll free telephone number is 800-487-4722. We look forward to assisting you in the future.
    Sep 08,2020
The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Choice Cruise
We unfortunately had to utilize our travel insurance plan due to an ATV accident on Moorea. We cannot express our thanks enough for all the help in coordinating our medical evacuation and other details. We will never travel without
Thank you again!
Shirley P. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
1 of 4 people found this review helpful
Claims not filed
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
After looking at many travel insurance providers, we chose Nationwide. Unfortunately, my wife got sick and had to go to the medical center on the Carnival Breeze. We filed with our primary insurance and with Nationwide. My primary applied the entire amount to our deductible. Nationwide paid the entire amount. Yes you have to provide ALL the documents needed and it does take a while. Our cruise was in January and we got the check the 1st week of April. It took longer for my primary to process the claim. Once they received the necessary documents, Nationwide paid in about 15 or so days. We’re very happy with the process. Thank you Nationwide
Robert W. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
2 of 5 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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The trip included a
Nationwide Mutual Insurance Essential
Nationwide does not consider the quarantine of an entire country due COVID-19 a valid claim. W were half into our trip when Norway closed all borders to entry to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Now Nationwide wants proof I was denied entry. Do I need a picture of me trying to cross the border? Forget appealing the ruling unless you in a select 12 few states where you can appeal to the Insurance commission. In the other 38 states it seems Nationwide is judge and jury. I certainly do not understand the great reviews of this terrible coverage.
James L. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
5 of 6 people found this review helpful
Note: This review is for an earlier version of the plan.
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