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Travel Insurance Reviews TripAssure

TripAssure (formerly MH Ross) designed its first custom travel insurance program in 1961, beginning a long and prosperous relationship with travelers. Their team of experienced specialists and technical experts in the travel insurance industry work together to provide you with prompt and professional service, anticipating your needs and solving your problems before they occur.

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Customers rated TripAssure
4.53 out of 5
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Filed claim
The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
I had booked a trip to Sulawesi in Indonesia back in Nov of 2018. When I made the initial booking, I purchased the travel insurance using the dates of my major flight component from LAX to Bali. I was coming from Colorado and I left the purchase of the first flight segment from DEN-LAX for later as well as the segment from Bali to Sulawesi. This was my mistake, since the flight out of LAX left at 15 minutes after midnight so when I eventually booked my flight from DEN-LAX it actual left the day before my insurance coverage started. I thought about updating the insurance, but since I had never ever used my travel insurance before I elected not to bother with the additional hassle.

I started the trip as planned, traveling from DEN-LAX on the evening prior to the start of my travel insurance. Half-way through the flight from DEN-LAX the pilot announced that due to a power outage at LAX our flight was being diverted to SLC. We arrived in SLC some time before 10pm. Upon arrival, the airline announced that they would not be offering us any accommodation. The airline rebooked me the next day to LAX connecting through OAK. SQ rebooked me on the same flight at 00:15 24 hours later. My flight from Bali to Sulawesi was a non-refundable ticket so I was forced to book a new ticket in business class, since that was the only seat left. I took a Lyft to a nearby hotel and checked in for the night. A check of my flight the next morning indicated that my flight to OAK was already delayed, which meant I now only had 30 minutes to make my connection. I headed to the airport where a helpful SW agent put me on the direct flight to BUR. I ended up renting a car in BUR and dropping it at LAX. From that point on everything, proceeded according to my rebooked plans.

At that point, the costs I had incurred were Lyft, hotel, car rental, and new business class ticket DPS-UPG. I did have some concerns, given that the precipitating event had actually occurred before my insurance coverage started, but I put a claim in when I returned home and hoped for the best. The claim process was very easy, forms were filled out and submitted online. It would have been nice if it generated something like an email detailing the claim or a way to print out your claim, for future reference. After a few months I received a couple of emails with electronic checks that were quick and easy to deposit. All but about $20 of my claim were paid out, so I was pleased and pleasantly surprised by the resolution.

I was happy with the final outcome, but the process could be improved. A "paper trail" just to document your claim for later reference would be a nice improvement. You are given a reference number to refer to your claim while it was being processed, but inaccessible once it has been paid out. It would have been nice to see a breakdown of the payout to understand what had been allowed or disallowed in the claim. Some additional transparency to the process would be a nice improvement.
Edward H. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Complete
After much effort on our part, I finally got the claim paid. I had to get the efforts from Insure My Trip to intervene as well. Even after showing proof of the trip cancellation and that we could cancel for "Any Reason" TripAssure still gave me problems. After much pressure on them, they finally paid the policy required amount.
Todd S. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Bridge
Didn’t need to file any claims, but thanks for the coverage.
Wendy M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Bridge
Thankfully, I did not have to use the policy I purchased. It did give me peace of mind to know that it was there should I need it.
Andrea E. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Bridge
Plan was too expensive for what offered, wouldn't recommend.
Maree L. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
  • Carol
    Thank you for providing your feedback. There are 3 main factors that determine premium costs: the cost of the trip, the length of the trip, and the travelers ages. 

    In the future, if you are looking for guidance in selecting a travel insurance plan, please consider contacting our office at 800-487-4722 where a licensed representative would be happy to assist you.
    Nov 19,2019
The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
This Trip insurance proved to be not needed. A couple of hundred dollars down the drain.
Herman G. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
It was nice to have coverage, but luckily we did not have any problems.
James B. would not recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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TripAssure Advantage Asset
Didn't need to file a claim, but needed to file in the past and all went well.
Douglas B. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
It is always wise to have trip insurance when traveling. It is even better, when you don't actually use it.
Paul D. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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The trip included a
TripAssure Advantage Asset
Reassuring to have good insurance when traveling
Declan M. would recommend this plan to a friend or relative.
Claims not filed
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