A.M. Best Ratings
Last updated on 05/29/2024
When we select to work with a travel insurance provider, we look closely at the financial stability of that provider's underwriters, as measured by A.M. Best ratings. We display these financial ratings when you are comparing plans. We also include the A.M. Best rating scale in a list format on this page to help you make an easy, well-informed decision when selecting the right travel insurance plan. Take a look at the guide below to understand how each A.M. Best rating is derived, ranked, and sorted into the list. With a little research, you can feel more confident about the A.M. Best insurance rating system and your selected travel insurance.
MedjetAssist and International SOS are membership programs and not rated by A.M. Best scale:
MedjetAssist is a prepaid, air medical transportation membership program — not a travel insurance policy or healthcare plan. Lloyd's of London underwrites the program to guarantee that a transport will be available to every MedjetAssist member in a time of need. | |
International SOS is a global assistance company that specializes in emergency medical evacuation. In the event of an epidemic or security incident, International SOS will provide an immediate response for peace of mind. |
A.M. Best's Financial Strength Rating (FSR) is an opinion of an insurer's ability to meet its obligations to policyholders. The following list outlines A.M. Best's rating scale and associated descriptions.
A++, A+ (Superior)
A, A- (Excellent)
B++, B+ (Good)
B, B- (Fair)
C++, C+ (Marginal)
C, C- (Weak)
D (Poor)
For the latest rating, access www.ambest.com
Disclaimer: The information contained in this article serves as a general overview of benefits and should only be used for informational purposes. Refer to your individual certificate of insurance for specific coverages, exclusions and benefits. When in doubt, please contact one of our licensed agents for additional assistance.